Bon Appetit, credit unions!

It’s that time of year again, when many of us pledge to live a healthier lifestyle.  In order to do that, we need to plan our meals according to our appetite – not for how much we can eat, but for how much we should eat in order to avoid the consequences of overdoing...

Builders, bankers and risk

Our last article, titled “Builders and Bankers,” highlighted the difference in leadership style between builders and bankers, using the analogy of building a hot fire in a wood stove vs. banking the coals to keep the heat constant through a chilly night. Builders can...

Builders and bankers

Are you a builder, or a banker? No, we’re not talking about construction here. Nor would I label a credit union person with “the b-word.” About five years ago, I heard an excellent presentation on leadership by T.D. Jakes. In it, he said that there are two kinds of...